I've found that nothing can be more motivating than knowing you have a ticking time bomb set to go off at any moment- It could be in an hour or it could be in two minutes, YOU never know. All you know is that infant currently has his eyes closed and your arms are suddenly free to do whatever they please!
Suddenly your mind is racing- all of those things that need to get done that you've been thinking about through each feeding, diaper change and while rocking an infant with some unknown aliment are all possibilities of what you can do with these empty hands! You find yourself so excited you scramble to decide what to do first. In an instant, it seems, 10 minutes have elapsed while you completed some of the little things done, like using the restroom, brushing your teeth and shoving some food down your throat. Finally, you have a chance to focus on one of the tasks you've been hoping to complete, you get everything out and ready to begin when the bomb goes off and your house is filled with the cries of that precious creature you so happily brought into the world a mere week or two ago.
Did I paint the picture accurately? Did I miss anything? How about night life?- The wonderful evenings with your child where you stumble feebly to his place of distress to attempt to quiet him. Then, when you do manage to fulfill all of his needs and gain the prize of silence and slumber, you only awake an hour later wondering why he isn't crying and feeling the urge to check to ensure he's still breathing (which you do before falling back to sleep).
Oh the wonders of life as a new mother! Forget the idea of cooking, cleaning or having any sense of personal hygiene (yuck, I know)! I anxiously wait for my husband to get home so he can spend some "quality" time with our son and I can have free hands long enough to clean and cook! But wait, who goes to the grocery store? Yay, another thing that Mommy can do when Daddy gets home!
Okay, so I may be making it sound horrible, but hopefully those of you who have children can relate and find some of this amusing, and hopefully, those of you without children aren't completely deterred by this posting!
In all honesty, in spite of the constant demand of my time, it truly is a wonderful time in my life. I have this adorable baby whom I love with all of my heart and actually do find his little cries cute at times, but his facial expressions even more lovable.
I wouldn't trade it for anything!